Individual honor points and Expeditions glory

Hey everyone, today I have another ruins of titan related guide, today’s guide is about individual honor points and how to earn them, and about the expedition’s glory event which is directly linked with individual honor points.

1 – expedition’s glory event is found in the titan’s scroll as shown in the image below.

2 – individual honor points are earned inside the ruins of titan, the benefit of earning them resides within the scroll of achievements and the expedition’s glory, but mostly the expedition’s glory, expedition’s glory is basically a ranking event that is active for about 30 days and is based around the earning of individual honor points along with coalition and battle group honor points, you earn rewards after the end of the event based on your individual ranking, and based on your coalition’s ranking, and based on your battle group’s ranking, while battle group ranking and coalition ranking do not solely depend on individual honor, but, individual honor earned by players contributes to these two.

3 – now that I have explained the expedition’s glory event, I want to get started on explaining how you can earn individual honor points, playing style matters a lot as you will find out later, because a variety of actions give individual honor points, regardless of what actions you choose to focus on, you need to do a mix of everything for best results.

-hunting monsters, I put this first because this is probably the first thing anyone will do when they enter the ruins of titan, hunting monsters gives a decent amount of individual honor, but this doesn’t mean you should be hunting monsters like crazy from the very first moment you enter the ruins of titan, no, empty your stamina bar regularly, and hunt a lot of monsters during the resource collection and monster hunting stage in the expedition to the unknown event, make sure your titan master points are in assist monster hunting skills which increase the amount of individual honor points earned before you start hunting in the monster stage, something like two birds with one stone if you get what I’m saying.

 Killing a monster from the levels 26-30 = 3 individual honor points.

 Killing a monster from the levels 31-35 = 4 individual honor points.

 Killing a monster from the levels 36-40 = 6 individual honor points.

-gathering resources, while gathering resources is not the most optimal way to earn points in my opinion, but if you go offline for a while, then it doesn’t really hurt to send your dispatches out to gather resources, if your titan master points are put in certain development skills then you could increase the amount of individual honor points you receive from gathering resources, but I don’t really recommend it as the increase in points earned is nothing major.

 Gathering 351000 grain = 50 individual honor points.

 Gathering 351000 lumber = 50 individual honor points.

 Gathering 58500 iron = 50 individual honor points.

 Gathering 14624 silver = 50 individual honor points.

-refining dark stones earns you individual honor points, if you’re not very familiar with dark stones then make sure to check out my guide about lairs of the beneath and the refinery of the beneath, anyway if you’re familiar with the process then you already know what to do, just make sure your refinery is always full of high level dark stones, and keep refining dark stones, you can increase the amount of individual honor points earned from refining dark stones if you level up certain skills in development titan master, and you can also increase the refining speed if you level up certain skills in development titan master, and you can increase the refining speed by 20% from titan privilege elite rewards (unlocked after purchase).

 Refining a level 1 darkstone = 1640 individual honor points.

 Refining a level 2 darkstone = 1640 individual honor points.

 Refining a level 3 darkstone = 1640 individual honor points.

 Refining a level 4 darkstone = 1640 individual honor points.

 Refining a level 5 darkstone = 2190 individual honor points.

 Refining a level 6 darkstone = 2190 individual honor points.

 Refining a level 7 darkstone = 2740 individual honor points.

 Refining a level 8 darkstone = 2740 individual honor points.

 Refining a level 9 darkstone = 3290 individual honor points.

 Refining a level 10 darkstone = 3290 individual honor points.

-killing soldiers inside sanctuaries or wells of decay or gates gives you individual honor points, try to kill as many of those as possible, the only issue is that these fill up the hospital so fast, and they will also cost you a targeted teleport if you’re looking to be efficient, so it’s important to keep that in mind, but do try to kill some of them, it’s also not too bad that they fill up the hospital, I actually used this recently as a strategy to fill up my hospital for power up stage, basically kept hitting wells of decay until I had a full hospital, I was earning individual honor points and preparing my castle for power up stage at the same time, you can increase the amount of points earned from killing these soldiers from certain skills in battle titan master, but I prefer to choose other skills which are more useful.

 Killing 10000 level 9 (T9) troops in a well of decay or in a sanctuary = 5 individual honor points.

 Killing 10000 level 10 (T10) troops in a well of decay or in a sanctuary = 7 individual honor points.

 Killing 10000 level 11 (T11) troops in a well of decay or in a sanctuary = 9 individual honor points.

 Killing 10000 level 12 (T12) troops in a well of decay or in a sanctuary = 14 individual honor points.

-decreasing wells of decay and sanctuaries defense is another way to earn points without any real loss apart from maybe a targeted teleport, after the troops inside the sanctuaries or wells of decay are eliminated you will be able to attack the building’s defense directly, with each attack decreasing 100 defense at base value, I have already mentioned this in other guides about sanctuaries, but I will mention it again for those who did not read, decreasing the defense of these two is best done with one cavalry troop, because the amount of soldiers you send or what type is completely irrelevant in the process, only thing which is taken into account is that your dispatch hits, so one cavalry troop is the best thing to use, because cavalry troop type is fast naturally which allows you to attack more, and in turn you earn more points basically, and you can increase the amount of defense that your dispatch decreases by using your titan master points in certain skills which are found in assist section, and the amount of individual honor points earned by decreasing defense can also be increased from certain skills in assist section.

 Decreasing a well of decays defense by 100 points = 5 individual honor points.

 Decreasing a sanctuary’s defense by 100 points = 5 individual honor points.

-and lastly from the expedition’s glory event, killing troops from other battle groups, if you kill troops from other battle groups then you will earn individual honor points but I need you to read this carefully, other battle groups is not your own battle group, so if you have civil war within your own battle group you earn no points, personally I recommend to avoid war with other battle groups outside kill event, it’s just a waste of troops, resources, items, my advice is to save your troops and fight only on kill day where you get twice the benefit, killing troops is in my opinion the biggest and the best source of individual honor points, and it’s fun to fight, just make sure you fight on the right day.

 Killing 10000 level 9 troops (T9) from other battle groups = 27 individual honor points.

 Killing 10000 level 10 troops (T10) from other battle groups = 36 individual honor points.

 Killing 10000 level 11 troops (T11) from other battle groups = 50 individual honor points.

 Killing 10000 level 12 troops (T12) from other battle groups = 72 individual honor points.

4 – there is another source of individual honor points, which is the expedition to the unknown, first of all, there is like a challenge of sorts similar to that of the courageous event, basically open a specific amount of chests from any stage of the expedition to the unknown event and earn rewards for it, one of those rewards is individual honor points, there is an image below which you can view, and you can also earn individual honor points from individual ruin ranking rewards, individual ruin ranking rewards is basically a ranking board which includes players of all the battle groups, so some times it’s difficult to get a good rank, but even if you get rank 400, 300, you still get some individual honor points, after the end of the expedition to the unknown event, during the 7TH stage which is the reward collection stage, chests will pop up next to the power fortress which can be claimed by sending a scout, the amount of individual honor points received from these chests depends on your battle group’s ranking in the expedition to the unknown event.

5 – level 5 reward from titan privilege elite rewards (unlocked after purchase) increases the amount of individual honor points earned by 8%.

This is all I have for today, thank you all for reading

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