Monsters everywhere by ༺Athena ༻

Today we have an extra wonderful guide from one of our amazing players, ༺Athena ༻ from K37.

What is the purpose of killing monsters? I hate killing the Gnats on the map. They seem to be everywhere. Every time you look around there is another one. Big ones, little ones, ugly ones and cute ones. Really?! 😂. Trolls, Wyvern, Blood Riders and more. Anyway, as much as I hate killing monsters, I know I need them to finish my event or tasks. Why do we need to finish events and tasks? Because we want all the free stuff. 🤷🏻‍♀️. The daily task requires you to kill at least 10 monsters for 20 easy points. When you finish your daily task you will open the final chest which is filled with resources, skills chest, overlord drop, medals and more. I need those blue drops for Throne wars. 😂

Then you have the alliance rewards. You have to kill some monsters there too. This will be a team effort to open the last level for those shards and medals. Why not?! Everyone will benefit from those free items, Right?! More gems to buy stuff for the store. We need to buy more and more. I hate monsters. 😂😂

Then the first stage of the Tournament of Kingdoms, we can kill some more monsters to open the chest after we collect from the tiles. I need those arcane stones for my research. The last stage of the Tournament of Kingdoms also has monster killing to help gain just a few more points to help push the kingdom to win if you need or just to open the first three chest easily. We have to win the event so we can get more prizes. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. 🙈

Don’t worry there’s more monster killing events if you miss those. But what do you get out of it? Well, we have the Monster Hunter event. Lord exp is needed to raise your Lord Level if you have not maxed it yet. And if you did save them anyway. I’m sure ROK will create something for you to use them for. There’s also those summons spells when you reach the last level. You got to get to the last level. 😩.

Oh wait! Save some of that stamina, Dreadlord is coming soon. Yes! Yes! It does take a lot of stamina but the rewards are pretty good too. Lots of speedups and fast pace speed and don’t forget about the potions. My hero’s really need those too. I want the castle themes too. Why not! But I want everything. What can I say?!. 🙄.

Then you have the Trail of Conqueror. The amount of time it takes just to get two gold shards. But what the heck I want it anyway. 🤣🤣. Sometimes you need help from a friend.

Oh don’t forget about the Magic books. Gideon is there. Hope I win his shards. The packs are reasonably priced too. Good luck. Maybe he will be maxed soon.

How we live to see our hero’s reach 120! Guess what I got that you don’t have. 🤣🤣.

There’s so much more to just killing monsters. Kill them when you’re bored for the potions. Join your friends in the events that require more effort and have fun. Whether or not you spend money in the game, There are plenty of good rewards just from killing those little monsters that sit right outside your castle.

Athena K37

What do you think of this guide? Have your say in the comments below and remember to share this guide with all your friends! What’s more, we’ll be picking some lucky Lords from those that comment and sending them each an awesome gift pack!

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