vent | [Deep Sea Treasure event and how to grind it] by Mr Greedy

Today we are here to share an extra amazing guide [Deep Sea Treasure event and how to grind it], which is from one of our wonderful players,༺Mr Greedy༻ del K383.

Hello everyone, today I would like to talk about the deep sea treasure event and how to obtain as many chests as possible without spending.

This event is the only possible way currently to obtain shards for the new infantry hero naia, whether you want to summon her or promote her or get other items, you should definitely do this event as is the case with most events, because if you’re lucky enough you might be able to get her shards and you should never say no to something that’s free.

1-if you click on the top right section that is called get shards, you will see a bunch of quests that will give you chests, when you open these chests you receive conches, you use these conches to exchange for items or shards, the drop rate on conches is completely random.

2- first thing you want to note is that the quests which you can obtain deep sea mystery chests from ( gold chests) can only be claimed once throughout the entire event until it comes again, while the orange chest quests refresh every day at reset throughout the event.

3- there are 3 quests which give deep sea mystery chests without spending, first is making 200 wishes, second is hunting 200 monsters, third which is collecting 2M resources, this should be easy to finish in the span of 3 days.

you should wish 67 times every day throughout the event, without counting free wishes that you receive every day, it would mean to make wishes in every resource including steel till 28 gems per wish, so check the level of your fountain and how many free wishes you get every day and do the math.

4- you can obtain 40 sea mystery chests (orange chests) every day throughout the event by hunting monsters, making wishes in the fountain, collecting resources, and you can buy 10 chests with gems, each chest costs 100 gems, in my opinion it’s worth it, in the end you get 130 orange chests if you do these quests every day.

5- you also want to keep something else in mind, the chests and the conches will both expire after the end of the event, so you want to use them before the end of event, and if you’re lucky you could grab some naia shards, if you’re not, then you could exchange the conches for other things such as legendary medals, teleports and other items.

6- it’s also important to note that orange chests give 1 conch per chest, while the gold chests have a chance of giving more than just one conch per chest.

This was a short guide but I hope it was helpful and informative, this is a very simple event, see you next time and thanks 👍

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