Titan Master

Today we got an extra amazing guide from K383 ༺Mr Greedy༻. Let’s check it out!

Hey everyone, I’m back with another ruins of titan guide, today’s guide is about titan master, this titan master is similar to lord skills at first glance, but after in depth look at this titan master you will realize that this is very different from your normal lord skills for a few reasons which I will mention in this guide, it’s important that you learn about this titan master before you spend any points or do anything with it.

1 – titan master is found in the titan’s scroll, at the top right section of the screen as shown in the images below.

2 – inside the titan master there are three sections, just like the normal lord skills, battle, development, assist.

3 – most important thing that you need to realize about this titan master is that you have a limited amount of chances to reset or switch between sets, you have one free reset chance given by the system on each Monday and it does not stack, meaning if you don’t use your reset chance in the previous week, it will be gone and replaced with a new one on the next Monday, when you enter the ruins you will have one reset chance already existing, there are ways to earn more reset chances which I will get to later, but this is an important thing to keep in mind in order to figure out how you want to spend your master points, because this is still a limited reset system, and it’s better to be efficient and smart, always.

4 – now that you know that the reset/switch chances are limited, you need to start by figuring out what section of these three you want to have as your first set, you are automatically put in set number one when you enter the ruins, so you want to make use of that and use your points wisely for a set that will help you in every day ruins of titan events and normal events too, at first it would seem like staying constantly in battle section set would be the best considering the limitation, but I urge highly against this for a couple of reasons, if you’re playing a normal ruins of titan in a normal scenario, you would only need battle set on kill day, which is only one day in a week, while the rest of the days you’ll just be doing normal stuff such as gathering resources, hunting monsters, and other things which don’t exactly require a battle set, so my advice is to choose either development or assist set for every other day of the week apart from kill day, take a look at the ruins of titan calendar below for example.

Note – the calendar for the other seasons of ruins of titan might be different, but the point still stands.

5 – now that I have eliminated battle set from being the first main set, we have two left, which are development and assist, choosing one of these is different for each person, because they both give good buffs of course, but in my opinion each person will benefit the most from a set which matches their playing style and what stages they plan to do in the expedition to the unknown, I’ll give you an example, I would call a myself a very active player in the game, and I do monster stage regularly in TOK, and as I found out later, I am also regularly engaged in sanctuary battles and wells of decay, so assist set was the best fit for me and it is the best fit for people who play in the same style, but if you’re a person that’s not very active or engaged in monster hunting, or in battles against sanctuaries and wells of decay, then development set is best for you, development set is more for relaxed players who are not very engaged in my opinion and those with smaller castles, I will put images of both assist and development skills below.



6 – returning to the subject of reset chances, you can earn these through a mini event found in the benefits center called “titan privilege “ this event has basically the same concept as the battle badge, finish quests, earn EXP, go up in levels, and get rewards, same as the battle badge there are basic rewards (free rewards) and elite rewards (unlocked after purchase) first of all there are two kinds of titan master resets, free titan master reset, and titan master reset, the difference between these is very big, free titan master reset is immediately added to your balance of free resets from titan master when claimed, which means in Monday it will be reset if not used, which makes it less valuable so to say, titan master reset is used as an item when needed to reset and permanently available in items.

-Basic rewards section consists ultimately of three free titan master resets.

-elite rewards section consists of 5 titan master resets, and you earn one titan master reset for every level after 25.

7 – there are a few sources of which you can obtain titan master points, the points which you use to level up the skills in titan master, first one is from before the expedition event, unfortunately I do not have a screenshot of this, but, depending on your battle group ranking in before the expedition event, you will receive something called expedition buffs which last throughout the entirety of ruins of titan, and one of the things received from this buff is titan master points, you will receive a specific amount at the very start of ruins of titan depending on your battle group ranking in before the expedition event, for example my battle group was rank 1 in before the expedition event, and I received 45 titan master points because of this at the very start, then there are sources from inside the ruins of titan, such as chronicles, and scrolls of achievement chests as shown below in the pictures.

That’s all I have for today, thank you for reading and see you next time

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