Sanctuaries and Gates- Expeditionary Camp


7/19 10:03
Today we got an extra amazing guide from K383 ༺Mr Greedy༻. Let’s check it out!

Hey everyone, today I am back with another ruins of titan guide, I will be discussing all the sanctuaries and gates through further guides, today’s guide is precisely about the expeditionary camps, so let’s get started.

1 – expeditionary camps are the very first sanctuaries that you will meet in your journey inside the ruins, there are four expeditionary camps in each battle group area.

2 – first things first you need to know this, you cannot capture or attack any sanctuary or gate without your coalition territory being directly in contact with the sanctuary/gate borders, I show you two image examples, pay attention to these pictures, and remember that your territory must be directly connected to a sanctuary or a gate’s borders to capture it or attack it.

3 – capturing these camps is not a very complicated process, in fact it’s almost the exact same as occupying cities during city siege in home kingdom, after a camp is open there will be neutral forces with heroes and soldiers that must be defeated first, these forces are really nothing to worry about, they’re very easy to kill and you lose no soldiers, only wounded, I will show a report below.

4 – after defeating these neutral forces you will have to break down the walls in these camps, same exact as you do with cities, just make a preset with 1 cavalry soldier and keep hitting the walls, how many soldiers you send, what type, and with what heroes has no effect on how much defense you lower, one cavalry soldier is the best because of how fast cavalry soldiers are which means you get to make more attacks.

  • You will also see the neutral forces which I mentioned earlier in this image below.

5 – after you defeat the neutral forces and break down the walls all you have to do is hold the camp/camps for two hours continuously after that the camp will officially become yours, or if your coalition has the most occupation time.

6 – the benefits of an expeditionary camp are plenty, well first of all the main buff which it gives is not super important but I guess it’s nice to have, it increases the resource gathering speed for all members by 30%, and does not stack, meaning if you have two camps for example you will only get 30%, second of all, killing the neutral forces and breaking the walls gives you individual honor points and gives your coalition and battle group points too, occupying the camp for the first time has special rewards which the entire coalition that occupies it receives, it’s free rewards so can’t complain.

7 – one more last detail I feel the need to mention because I myself would have loved to know it earlier, after sanctuaries are occupied they become a part of your coalitions territory, which means you can build banners through a sanctuary, let me explain what I mean better, so if your banners are connected from one side of the sanctuary, and you have the sanctuary occupied then you can build a banner on the other side too, for better demonstration pay careful attention to the image below, this is very important for those that will build banners, it could save them gold obsidian if used correctly and efficiently.

Thank you everyone that’s all I have for today, keep an eye out for more ruins of titan guides

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