Today we are here to share an extra amazing guide [THE EUDAIMIAN PLANE], which is from one of our wonderful players, Kronos(134) from K134.

Hey guys! Many of you are excited about the new Eudaimian Plane or as many say “the ROK Candy Crush” that has been recently introduced to us. Today we will understand the basic concepts of this game that are important!


It’s a simple game that currently consists of 300 levels. Each level requires you to kill the monsters in order to unlock the next.


Your team for killing the monsters consist of 4 members that are your heroes. You can choose your heroes from the TEAM option.

The heroes that you choose are divided into 4 categories as follows:


The healing hero basically helps you increase the HP of your team members.

Magic Attack

The hero in this category can be basically termed as a ranged troop that inflicts damage to the monsters without moving close to them.

Physical Attack

The heroes in this category strike directly at the monsters dealing them a great deal of damage reducing its HP.


The defence hero is the member of the team who stands in the front and is the first one to take up all the attacks by the monsters.


While clearing each level you receive certain points using which you can upgrade your heroes. The higher the level you reach the more difficult it gets to kill the monsters. So it is highly important for you to remember that you keep upgrading your hero levels.

As you clear each level your personal level also increases. Each hero of yours can only be upgraded in par with your personal level. For example, if your level is 30 then you can upgrade your hero only to level 30.


Everyday we get a total of 6 stamina for free. Each level requires 1 stamina to play. However we can also buy 3 stamina using gems and another 3 through pack


Each monster killing level sets you 3 parameters, each giving you 1 star. So in total passing one level grants you with a total of 3 stars.

Now you must be wondering why do you need these stars? We could just simply pass all levels and get the rewards. But here’s the thing! Stars help you get extra rewards that are way more amazing than the regular rewards.

There are total 30 stages of rewards. You can claim each stage rewards once you collect the required number of stars. The last stage requires 900 stars and since there are 300 levels each giving 3 stars you need to make sure that you receive 3 stars in all levels!


The Dungeon is another interesting feature of this game that helps you gain some more rewards. It has 5 different levels of goblins; Easy, Normal, Difficult, Nightmare and Hell. Each day you can challenge only one goblin and gain the rewards.

The goblin killing works in a different way than the normal monsters you kill in the game. In here you have to do as much damage as possible to the goblin. You will notice a bar at the top of the screen that keeps getting filled each time you give damage to the goblin. When the bar is full the chest at the end increases its level. Higher the chest level..better the rewards!!

However it is important to know that just right next to the chest on the top you will see a timer. You have to deal maximum damage to the goblin before the timer sets to 0 and claim the chest level you have achieved!!

What do you think of this share? Give your input in the comments below and remember to share this story with all your friends! What’s more, we’ll be picking the lucky Lords from those that comment and sending them each an awesome gift pack!

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